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"Family-friendly company" - 2023
Our corporate culture ensures that our employees can reconcile work and family life. This is ensured in particular through flexible working hours, communication, support services and organizational development. Find out more details here!

"Family-friendly company" - 2023
Our corporate culture ensures that our employees can reconcile work and family life. This is ensured in particular through flexible working hours, communication, support services and organizational development. Find out more details here!
Inclusive nursery school - St. Martin
As investors, we are proud to have established a location, where children will receive educational support in society, regardless whether or not they have special needs.
The inclusive kindergarten – St. Martin uses a situation-oriented approach in order to fulfil the individual needs of each child.
Find out what the inclusive kita and nursery scholl – St. Martin has to offer! Inclusive Kita - St. Martin!
Inclusive nursery school - St. Martin
As investors, we are proud to have established a location, where children will receive educational support in society, regardless whether or not they have special needs.
The inclusive kindergarten – St. Martin uses a situation-oriented approach in order to fulfil the individual needs of each child.
Find out what the inclusive kita and nursery scholl – St. Martin has to offer! Inclusive Kita - St. Martin!